Vallivue Athletics
Home of the Falcons
Girls Frosh/Sophomore Basketball
Team News.
8.0 years ago @ 1:18PM
Any Freshman and Juniors that have not played a sport this year need to get a physical prior to tryouts on October 31st. Sophomores and Seniors need to have the waiver signed if you have not played a sport.
8.0 years ago @ 1:25PM
The season calendar is located under the files link on this website. Game and practice schedules are included. Practice schedules can be modified at the coaches discretion, but we are hoping to keep it as is.
8.0 years ago @ 1:20PM
Tryouts for the upcoming season will be October 31st and November 1st. On October 31st there is no school, so the tryouts will be from 1-3pm in the main gym. On November 1st tryouts will be fro 4-6pm in the main gym. Please come early to stretch and warm up as we will begin immediately at the start time. We look forward to seeing everyone out this season! If you have any questions please contact Coach Shindle or Coach Aldous.